Publications #
Note: (shared) first and last authorships are highlighted
Preprints #
Bögemann, S., Krause, F., van Kraaij, A., Marciniak, M., van Leeuwen, J., Weermeijer, J. D. M., … Hermans, E. (2024, September 9). Triggering just-in-time adaptive interventions based on real-time detection of daily-life stress.
Pamplona, G. S. P., Zweerings, J., Lor, C. S., deErney, L., Roecher, E., Taebi, A., Hellrung, L., Amano, K., Scheinost, D., Krause, F., Rosenberg, M. D., Ionta, S., Brem, S., Hermans, E., Mathiak, K. & Scharnowski, F. (2024). Neural Mechanisms of Feedback Processing and Behavioral Adaptation during Neurofeedback Training. bioRxiv 2024.08.19.608543.
Pereira, M., Terpstra, N., Rutiku, R., Sandberg, K.*, Dresler, M.* & Krause, F.* (2024). Neural correlates of nightmares revisited: findings from large-scale fMRI cohorts. bioRxiv 2024.07.02.601684.
Petri-Romão, P., Puhlmann, L., Zerban, M., Ahrens, K. F., Arias-Vásquez, A., Basten, U., … Kalisch, R. (2024, March 27). Comparative investigation of appraisal style measures in their predictive potential for stress resilience and implications for predictive modeling of resilience.
Krause, F., van Leeuwen, J., Bögemann, S., Tutunji, R., Roelofs, K., van Kraaij, A., Stiphout, R. & Hermans, E. (2023, July 31). Predicting resilience from psychological and physiological daily-life measures.
Tutunji, R., Krentz, M., Kogias, N., de Voogd, L., Krause, F., Vassena, E. & Hermans, E.J. (2023). Changes in large-scale neural networks under stress are linked to affective reactivity to stress in real life. bioRxiv 2023.03.28.534537.
Krentz, M., Tutunji, R., Kogias, N., Mahadevan, H.M., Reppmann, Z.C., Krause, F. & Hermans, E. (2023). A Comparison of fMRI Data-Derived and Physiological Data-Derived Methods for Physiological Noise Correction. bioRxiv 2023.02.22.529506.
Krause, F., Linden, D.E. & Hermans, E.J. (2022, October 2). Getting stress-related disorders under control: The unique opportunity for neurofeedback-based therapy.
Krause, F., & Lindemann, O. (2021, May 17). On implementing timing-accurate computer-based experiments. Retrieved from
Journal articles #
Schepers, M., Lagerweij, P., Geurts, D., Krause, F., den Ouden, H., Cools, R., Speckens, A., Collins, G. (2025). Promoting Resilience in Youth through Mindfulness mEditation (PRYME): Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial investigating the effects of mindfulness training as add-on to care-as-usual on internalizing problems, mental illness development, and associated brain and cognitive processes in help-seeking youth. BMC Psychiatry 25, 126.
Krause, F., Linden, D.E.J. & Hermans, E.J. (2024). Getting stress-related disorders under control: the untapped potential of neurofeedback. Trends in Neurosciences.
Krause, F. & Kogias, N. (2024). Scan Session Tool: (f)MRI scan session documentation and archiving. Journal of Open Source Software, 9(100), 6126,
Tutunji, R., Kogias, N., Kapteijns, B., Krentz, M., Krause, F., Vassena, E., Hermans, E.J. (2023). Detecting Prolonged Stress in Real Life Using Wearable Biosensors and Ecological Momentary Assessments: Naturalistic Experimental Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 25:e39995.
Kogias, N., Geurts, D.E.M., Krause, F., Speckens A.E.M. & Hermans, E.J. (2023). Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial investigating the effects of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction on stress regulation and associated neurocognitive mechanisms in stressed university students: The MindRest study. BMC Psychology 11, 194.
Sixtus, E.*, Krause, F.*, Lindemann, O. & Fischer, M. (2023). A sensorimotor perspective on numerical cognition. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 27(4), 367–378.
Krause, F., Kogias, N., Krentz, M., Lührs, M., Goebel, R. & Hermans, E.J. (2021). Self-regulation of stress-related large-scale brain network balance using real-time fMRI neurofeedback. NeuroImage, 243, 118257.
Mehler, D.M.A., Williams, A.N., Whittaker, J.R., Krause, F., Lührs, M., Kunas, S., Wise, R.G., Shetty, H.G.M., Turner, D.L. & Linden, D.E.J. (2020). Graded fMRI Neurofeedback Training of Motor Imagery in Middle Cerebral Artery Stroke Patients: A Preregistered Proof-of-Concept Study. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 14:226.
Krause, F., Benjamins, C., Eck, J., Lührs, M., van Hoof, R. & Goebel, R. (2019). Active head motion reduction in Magnetic Resonance Imaging using tactile feedback. Human Brain Mapping, 40(14), 4026-4037.
Lührs, M., Riemenschneider, B., Eck, J., Benitez, A., Poser, B.A., Heinecke, A., Krause, F., Esposito, F., Sorger, B., Hennig, J. & Goebel, R. (2019). The potential of MR-Encephalography for BCI/Neurofeedback applications with high temporal resolution. NeuroImage, 194, 228-243.
Krause, F., Meyer, M., Bekkering, H., Hunnius, S. & Lindemann, O. (2019). Interaction between perceptual and motor magnitudes in early childhood. Cognitive Development, 49, 11-19.
Mehler, D., Williams, A., Krause, F., Lührs, M., Shetty, H.,Turner, D., Linden, D. & Whittaker, J. (2019). The BOLD response in primary motor cortex and supplementary motor area during kinesthetic motor imagery based graded fMRI neurofeedback. NeuroImage, 184, 36–44.
Krause, F., Benjamins, C., Lührs, M., Eck, J., Noirhomme, Q., Rosenke, M., Brunheim, S., Sorger, B. & Goebel, R. (2017). Real-time fMRI-based self- regulation of brain activation acrosss different visual feedback presentations. Brain-Computer Interfaces, 4(1–2), 87–101.
Krause, F., Bekkering, H., Pratt, J. & Lindemann, O. (2017). Interaction between numbers and size during visual search. Psychological Research, 81(3), 664-677.
Krause, F., Lindemann, O., Toni, I. & Bekkering, H. (2014). Different brains process numbers differently: Structural bases of individual differences in spatial and non-spatial number representations. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 26(4), 768-776.
Krause, F. & Lindemann, O. (2014). Expyriment: A Python library for cognitive and neuroscientific experiments. Behavior Research Methods, 46(2), 416-428.
Krause, F., Bekkering, H. & Lindemann, O. (2013). A feeling for numbers: shared metric for symbolic and tactile numerosities. Frontiers in Psychology 4:7.
Lindemann, O. & Krause, F. (2012). Zählen mit den Fingern: Verkörperung oder Veranschaulichung? Lernen und Lernstörungen, 1(1), 60-62.
Books #
- Krause, F. (2014). Numbers and magnitude in the brain: A sensorimotor
grounding of numerical cognition (Doctoral Dissertation). Retrieved from
Abstracts #
Mehler, D., Williams, A., Krause, F., Luehrs, M., Shetty, H.,Turner, D., Linden, D. & Whittaker, J. (2017). Supplementary motor area, but not primary motor cortex - graded realtime fMRI neurofeedback training and its translation to stroke patients. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 37, 378-379.
Krause, F., Benjamins, C., Lührs, M., Eck, J., Noirhomme, Q., Rosenke, M., Brunheim, S., Sorger, B. & Goebel, R. (2016). Real-time self-regulation across multiple visual neurofeedback presentations. Proceedings of the 6th International Brain-Computer Interface Meeting, 132.
Other #
Krause, F. (2017). MagniShoot – An educational game developed in 24 hours. Donders Wonders - On Brains and Science.
Krause, F. (2017). Maak getalgrootte voelbar. Jeugd in School en Wereld.
Krause, F. & Lindemann, O. (2014). Erratum to: Expyriment: A Python library for cognitive and neuroscientific experiments. Behavior Research Methods, 46(2), 429. doi: 10.3758/s13428-013-0436-9
*: Authors contributed equally